Liquid Waste
Dockside Green WWTP |
Liquid waste planning and management has been managed as a
cost that prevents environmental issues to protect biodiversity
and human health. IRM is a required part of British Columbia's
Guidelines for liquid waste planning and if properly
implemented, can result in not only improved environmental
results but considerably superior financial benefits.
A community commissioned Pivotal to review their draft liquid
waste plan. Although we identified a considerable increase
in costs would be necessary - more than tripling the previously
identified cost - we showed how the extra cost could be
restructured and financed to minimize taxpayer impacts while
accelerating implementation, showing how that it equated to six
cups of coffee per year for each resident. Our research,
analysis and completion of the assessment was undertaken in one
tenth the time of the prior work, at a fraction of the cost.
A study for three communities
recommended a system at $345m project cost. We reviewed the
system and found the cost would be $1.1bn. An equivalent IRM system
was projected to be at least
$1.14bn better financially, recycling 10% of the community’s
water and potentially eliminating liquid waste treatment costs,
with superior ecological and environmental results. If further
optimized, the project should be capable of being $1.4-1.5bn
We led the management of Dockside Green Waste Water Treatment Plant,
Victoria, BC, which recycles up to 80% of the liquid wastewater for the project
which at buildout, is anticipated will house ≈15,000 people.