
Technical Library

This page provides technical and research papers published by members of Pivotal's advisors and advisory board, mainly focusing on gasification.  The papers are provided for preliminary information only.  All the documents have been obtained in the public domain; any and all copyrights in the documents are hereby gratefully acknowledged and are the property of their respective holders and/or authors.



FICFB Gasification Process

Overview of the FICFB (Fast Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed) gasification process, development, components and flow concepts.  Development process and summary gasification results.  Authors: Hofbauer, Veronik, Flecl, Rauch, Mackinger, Fercher.

Gasifier efficiency

Summary of experience with FICFB gasifier efficiency, main parameters affecting yield, LHV 10-14 MJ/m3/s.  Authors:  Kaiser, Weigl, Aichernig, Friedl, Hofbauer.

Gasification plants in Austria

Review of two Austrian gasification demonstration plants and their performance/history.  FICFB plant at Güssing compared with twin-fire downdraft system in Neustadt; the former is a larger community approach, the latter is a smaller system and approach.  Authors:  Bolhàr-Nordenkampf, Hofbauer.

Gasifier future development

Development of the FICFB reactor to adapt to flexible feedstocks (e.g. MSW, sewage sludge, hog fuel).  System summary.  Experience with Güssing and Oberwart plants.  Comment on other systems under development; suitability of a modified FICFB system.  Development at the Technical University of Vienna.  Possible limitations needing management in any move to developing flex-fuel systems.  Authors:  Pfeifer, Schmid, Pröll, Hofbauer.

Plastics gasification review

Since both light and heavy plastics make up the majority of the fossil component of MSW, understanding the impact of this on gasification is important for MSW processing.  Concludes that plastics can be gasified but with limits on upper content threshold before supplementary gas is required to augment operations.  Authors: Wilk, Kern, Kitzler, Koppatz, Schmidt and Hofbauer.

Plastics gasification review

Review of plastics gasification.  Comment on high quality stable syngas composition.  References other studies.  Concludes that plastics can be gasified, fluidized beds being most promising.  Addresses tar levels using catalysts, reactor temperature etc.  Authors:  Arena, Zaccariello and Mastellone, University of Naples.

Integrated drying using gasification

Integrated Combine Cycle gasification using BICBF gasifier (HRI), to contribute to feedstock drying.  Impact of moisture and carbon content.  Different drying options.  Authors:  Bolhàr-Nordenkampf, Hofbauer.

Electrical generation from Syngas

Use of FIFCB gasifier syngas to power electrical generation using a gas-hybrid system fuel cell, due to the high yield and stable output of the FICFB system at Güssing, Austria.  Chemical process and performance summary, impact on heat recovery cycle & efficiency.  Authors:  Proell, Aichernig, Rauch, Hofbauer.

Güssing demonstration plant status

Review of the FICFB plant at Gussing, Austria to end 2004, by the original development and technical team.  Comment on system suitability for further development including Fischer-Tropsch diesel.  Authors:  Rauch, Hofbauer, Bosch, Siefert, Aichernig, Tremmel, Voigtlaender, Koch, Lehner.

Hydrogen-rich syngas study

Original analysis of the production of hydrogen-rich syngas from the original pilot plant, 2001.  Documentation of process, development and aspects affecting performance and management.  Role in catalytic conversion processes.  Product gas composition/analysis.  Experience with start-up system.  Authors:  Hofbauer, Rauch.

Polygeneration at Oberwart

Polygeneration at Oberwart gasifier, Austria (heat, electricity, hydrogen for biofuels).  Impact of trade-off between hydrogen purity and overall yield.  Impact on polygeneration.  Authors:  Mayer, Makaruk, Diaz, Bosch, Miltner, Harasek, Hofbauer.

Tar management Process overview and analysis for reduction of in-bed tars within the FICFB process.  Impact of gas cleaning using catalysts.  Authors: Pfeifer, Rauch, Hofbauer.
Water consumption in the FICFB gasifier Analysis and discussion of the use of water and steam in the FICFB process and system.  Exclusion of nitrogen.  Relationship of steam, feedstock/fuel and temperature in reducing tar generation.  Extended pilot project analysis.  Authors:  Hofbauer, Rauch.
Revised FICFB designs Revised designs for FICFB to improve in situ conversion of hydrocarbons (i.e. relevant for MSW).  Reduction or avoidance of volatile hydrocarbons by developing a Dual FICFB system.  Authors: Schmid, Pfeifer, Kitzler, Pröll, Hofbauer.
Güssing plant proposal Original description of the proposal to develop a FICFB plant at Gussing, Austria.  Authors:  Bolhàr-Nordenkampf, Bosch, Rauch, Kaiser, Tremmel, Aichernig, Hofbauer.
Güssing interim summary Summary of status after two years of implementation.  Authors:  Fercher, Hofbauer, Fleck, Rauch, Veronik.
Güssing success story History of the development of the plant at Güssing, Austria.  Nature of the plant, capacity and performance.  Adaptation and resolution of challenges.  End result.  Authors: Hofbauer, Rauch, Bosch, Koch, Aichernig.

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