
Economic & Financial Services

North Shore Study

Economic services are often the least well understood but are critical to business, including the business of government.  We provide services covering market demand/supply analysis and modelling, cost/benefit studies and research, life cycle assessment, costing and life cycle valuation including associated cash flow projection.


As part of a resource recovery study for Metro Vancouver, we developed a comprehensive Triple Bottom Line model and detailed cash flow.  Used to assess the highest and best use and value, the models allowed assessment and development of various options, allowing refinement of the optimal approach, covering not just financial but also environmental and ecological results.  Further refinement led to a seven-option cost/benefit analysis with 2,600 individual cash flows.  Although not required, we sought best practice review and following two review sessions, Dr Michael Goldberg (Dean Emeritus, Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia stated: "...not only do I think you're right, but I had better check what we're teaching our students.

For a community of 35,000 people, completed a confidential review/audit of deferral accounts and reporting by a private partner, suspected as having created a substantial potential liability for the community.  Identified that the issue was not as suspected but through restructuring, the community could achieve over $20m in potential savings and reduce user fees to significantly improve residential new construction affordability.

The models projected potential savings exceeding $1.14bn.  The Metro Vancouver North Shore study is available in the library.


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